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Hi there,

Im Martin Maina

Not a robot / Software Developer / UI designer


Crispy Journey

A fictional website for a Front-end developer and User interface/User Experience Design School.

 Bootstrap 5
 Media Queries

Picky Bidders

Welcome to Picky Bidders, a platform where you can bid for your favorite products and win them at a very low price.



Shop-zilla is web application that helps shoppers to search products from E-commerce sites with just one search platform. The sites are jiji.co.ke, jumia.com and copia.com.

 Beautiful Soup


A web app where users can search for a meal using only one main ingredient that they have and get different recommendations with the recipe included.



Git-search is a web application that allows users to search for github users and their repositories.



..about me

Hello there, welcome to my personal website!
My name is Martin Maina and I am a Fullstack web developer with extensive experience in Microsoft BC ERP, Git and Linux commands, DevOps, MSSQL, Timetabling, and POS provision services.

I have a passion for building robust and scalable web applications that deliver value to businesses and end-users. My technical expertise spans across the entire software development life cycle, from requirement gathering to deployment and maintenance.
In terms of my Fullstack web development skills, I am proficient in both frontend and backend technologies. On the frontend, I am skilled in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frameworks such as React and Angular. On the backend, I have experience with Node.js, PHP, and Python, and I have worked with databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, and MSSQL.

As for Microsoft BC ERP, I have implemented and customized the ERP system for various organizations, helping them streamline their business processes and optimize their operations. I am also proficient in Git and Linux commands, using them to manage version control and deploy applications on various hosting platforms.

Additionally, I have a strong background in DevOps, working with popular tools such as Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes to automate software delivery pipelines and ensure high availability and reliability of applications.

My experience with MSSQL has enabled me to design and implement scalable and efficient database systems, handling millions of records while maintaining high performance and data integrity.

Finally, I have provided timetabling and POS provision services to a range of businesses, ensuring that they have the necessary tools and resources to operate efficiently and effectively.

Overall, I am a skilled and experienced Fullstack web developer with a passion for building innovative and impactful software solutions. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you would like to work together on a project.

.Did you Know .?

Did you know that the first computer mouse was made of wood? In 1963, the inventor Douglas Engelbart created the first prototype of the computer mouse, which was made of wood and had a single button. This early design was inspired by the need to navigate the graphical user interface of the time, and it eventually paved the way for the modern mouse that we all know and love today. So next time you use your computer mouse, take a moment to appreciate its humble wooden beginnings!


React || Django || MSSQL || Git || DevOps || Erp (Odoo & Microsoft BC)
POS software provision|| Time tabling S/ware || Technical consulting


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